Accreditation Update
June 8, 2021
Preparation for BeConnected’s SEVENTH accreditation survey is well underway with our site survey scheduled to occur on June 17th and 18th, 2021. While the CARF surveyors are conducting the survey remotely using Microsoft Teams, they will meet with individuals, employees and contractors of BSS locations – head office, Duncan office, adult group homes, children’s group homes, Network of Home Living (home share), and semi-independent living programs. A schedule of where and when they will be “visiting” each program location will be made available on Wednesday June 16th. If individuals supported, family members, employees or contractors would like to meet with the survey team, please contact me and I will make sure the survey team is made aware of the request.
The purpose of the visits to program locations is for the survey team to determine the organization’s conformance to all applicable standards through the observation of services, interviews with persons supported and other stakeholders, and review of documentation.
Welcome Orientation
BSS will be hosting a reception to welcome the CARF survey team, and give anyone who wishes, the opportunity to meet the surveyors and ask questions. The Welcome Orientation is scheduled for 9:00am on Thursday June 17th on Microsoft Teams – please contact Kristen or Chelsea and they will send you the link to join once we receive it. Please consider joining us in welcoming Yolanda, Peggy and William all the way from the United States, to BeConnected Support Services.
Exit Conference
Tentatively scheduled for 2:00pm on Friday, June 18th, BeConnected will be hosting our survey “Exit Conference,” also via Microsoft Teams. We will be informed or the survey team’s findings related to the standards. The Exit Conference will last approximately one hour. The purpose of the conference is for the survey team to provide feedback regarding the strengths of the organization’s programs and operations in relation to the standards, make recommendations for improvement, and offer suggestions and consultation. It’s also our last opportunity to question any recommendations made by the survey team and present further evidence of conformance to the standards. The link to the exit conference will be available Friday morning – please contact the office. Everyone is invited to attend!