The support you need for the life you want. Ready. Support. Go. The support you need for the life you want. Ready. Support. Go. The support you need for the life you want. Ready. Support. Go. The support you need for the life you want. Ready. Support. Go.

Dec 3rd Film Festival

November 7, 2018

We are very excited to be co-hosting this event again this year! On December 3rd, United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities, please join us at the University of Victoria’s Cinecenta from 4:00pm to 6:00pm for the Sprout Film Festival. It’s going to be great!

Sprout is a unique non-profit organization that distributes films made by and/or starring people with intellectual disabilities.

Films for the 2018 festival were selected by the BC Self Advocacy Foundation, a group of leaders with intellectual disabilities who live in communities across BC.

The 2018 festival is taking place in 5 communities in BC, including Victoria. Join us, BeConnected Support Services, along with Self Advocates for a Brighter Future – SABFLifetime Networks, and Community Living Victoria, in celebration of International Day of Persons with Disabilities as well as the artists and film makers whose short films we will be showcasing on December 3rd.

Mark your calendars and stay tuned for more details!